The first membership spotlight of the spring semester is Madison Seitchik, a sophomore majoring in media studies and production. This is Madison’s first year as a member of PRSSA and she is an extremely committed member of our chapter. Madison can often be found attending PRSSA events and bonding with other members!
Here is a Q&A session with Madison:
Q: Where are you from? What is your major/minor?
A: I’m from an adorable small town called Dillsburg, PA (in between Harrisburg and Gettysburg). I am majoring in Media Studies and Production with a minor in public relations.
Q: Why do you love PRSSA? What do you hope to get out of it?
A: I love PRSSA because it has given me so many new, amazing friendships. I truly appreciate all of the kindness and love that everybody has given me, so it has honestly been one of my most enjoyable organizations to be a part of. Other than the amazing friendships (so corny, I know), I hope to get the hands-on experience and learn so many more skills that I don’t get in my classes.
Q: What committee are you a part of? What have you done with this committee?
A: My first semester I was in the PR committee, but this semester I’m in the conference committee because I feel confident in event planning and know so many more skills in PR thanks to my time in the PR committee. Since the semester is still new, I haven’t accomplished any tasks for the committee, but I’m excited to see all of what I can do to help make the conference a success.
Q: What PRSSA events have you participated in?
A: I’ve been to almost every event PRSSA has hosted the past semester including a dinner with another PRSSA chapter as well as mentorship and fundraising events.
Q: What other TU organizations are you a part of?
A: I am the web editor at The Temple News, a writer and anchor for Temple Update Now, a writer and reporter for Temple Update, an account associate at PRowl Public Relations, as well as the PRSSA team captain for HootaThon.
Q: What is the coolest place you’ve ever visited?
A: I, unfortunately, haven’t been very far but my favorite vacation was to Florida when I was about 10-12 years old. This year I’m going to go to Arcosanti, Arizona for a spring break trip within Klein and next year I hope to study abroad in Dublin, Ireland.
Q: Favorite social media platform and why?
A: My favorite social media platform is Instagram because of the focus on visual elements. Visuals are one of the most important communication tools you can use in social media to get your point across and I feel that it is the strongest social media platform out there right now.
Q: Dream job?
A: I eventually would love to become a lead anchor, reporter, and/or producer on a major news platform in a top 5 market.
To learn more about Madison follow her on social media!
Instagram/Twitter: @madd_chik
LinkedIn: Madison Seitchik
This blog post was written by Caitlin Gemmi, Digital Publications Editor & Madison Seitchik, General Body Member & Spotlight Recipient.