March’s membership spotlight is Emma Kate McClain, a sophomore from Glenside, PA majoring in communications and social influence, public relations, and minoring in business. Emma joined our chapter just this spring, but has already participated in a great deal our chapter has to offer.
Here is a Q&A session with Emma:
Q: Why do you love PRSSA? What do you hope to get out of it?
A: I joined after I declared my major because I was excited to get involved in organizations that expanded on what I was learning in the classroom. Even though I am new to PRSSA, this organization has already provided me with networking opportunities, volunteer experiences and friendly faces I see everyday in my classes. I look forward to expanding my professional network through PRSSA and creating genuine friendships with members and alumni!
Q: What have you done with the community service committee?
A: We have been working on a service project this semester that involves canned food donations to Project HOME. Our goal is to use the drive to get the Temple community as well as the Philadelphia community involved. We will be hosting a food drive at the Ritter Quad on Wednesday, April 25, 2018. We will be handing out pamphlets at the drive to inform people about homelessness in Philadelphia and what they can do to help. My job has been to create the social graphics and flyers for both donations to promote the events. We will also have the opportunity to submit our plan to the Teahan Project Award as well!
Q: PRSSA events you’ve participated in?
A: General body & committee meetings, Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission, Saved Me animal shelter, & TU Invitational.
Q: What other TU organizations you are part of?
A: I am currently an account associate for PRowl Public Relations and am looking forward to being an account executive in the fall of 2018. I am a member of the Delta Zeta Sorority and a dancer on Temple University Bhangra (a form of indian folk dance), as well as the PR chair for their social media outlets.
Q: Coolest place you’ve ever traveled to?
A: The summer before my junior year of high school I went on an exchange with my german high school class and stayed with a german family for 3 weeks. We stayed in a little town called Bad Reichenhall, in Southern Germany, for two week and visited Berlin for a week. We also took some day trips to Austria as well since it was so close! I learned numerous things about myself and how to have a worldview perspective from my experiences. My favorite part of being there was seeing Germany win the world cup against Argentina! My class was even able to touch the team bus in Berlin during the celebration parade!
Q: Favorite social media platform?
A: Instagram
Q: Dream job?
A: I’m not sure exactly what my dream job would be but I know I want to help people and make this world a better place in some way. Especially after coming to Temple, I have learned about numerous problems in our country and world. I would love to do some sort of work or advocacy to fix these injustices. Right now I am especially interested in environmental, food and economic inequality advocacy.
To learn more about Emma be sure to follow her on social media!
Instagram: emma___mcclain Linkedin: Emma McClain Twitter: emma_mcclain1
LinkedIn: Emma McClain (

This blog post was written by Joei DeCarlo, Director of Public Relations & Emma Kate McClain, General Body Member & Spotlight Recipient.