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Alumni Spotlight: Danielle Cohn

Ever wondered what post-graduate life is like? Have you ever questioned how PRSSA could impact your career? Well, Danielle Cohn has all the answers.

With degrees from the School of Communication and Theater and the School of Sociology at Temple University, Cohn was ready to take on public relations in the real world after graduation (’95) thanks to PRSSA.

Following graduation, Cohn worked in a public relations agency and architecture firm. This position allowed Cohn to eventually lead Marketing Communications for the PHL Convention and Visitors Bureau for nearly 20 years. Here, Danielle was able to tell Philadelphia’s story around the world. Today, Cohn is the Executive Director and Head of Comcast NBC Universal LIFT Labs where she uses many of her public relations skills to amplify tech startup stories.

Cohn played a significant role in PRSSA during her college career here at Temple University. A few weeks into her sophomore year after transferring to Temple, Cohn met the former student president of PRSSA at an event. Through this interaction, Cohn became very interested in PRSSA and decided to join – a decision that positively impacted her career.

Throughout her time in PRSSA, Cohn served as Head of Programming, Vice President and finally President. Through serving on e-board, Cohn says the most valuable thing she gained was leadership, program planning and recruitment skills. Program planning was a valued skill of Cohn’s as one of her favorite events include the National PRSSA conference.

When I asked Danielle what her favorite PRSSA memory was, she answered with, “all of the great people I met through PRSSA.” PRSSA didn’t just impact Cohn’s college career, but her professional life as well. Through the relationships developed with peers and advisors in PRSSA, Cohn met wonderful mentors, like Dr. Jean Brodey. Dr. Brodey was the advisor of PRSSA during Cohn’s membership who remained her top advisor for most of her career.

If Cohn could go back in time and tell her younger self one thing, she would say leadership starts as being a member but grows as you take on a more official role; however, she warns never to forget your members are who you serve.

“While the root of great a public relations story remains the same, public relations is everything we do. [It] has been put into the hands of customers who tell a brand’s stories now. No more faxes or mailings – fewer releases, less press to pitch and more digital noise to cut through; however, public relations is the most transferable skill to hone.”

This blog post was written by Meghan Solomon, General Body Member.

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