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Summer Blues and Daydreams of Philadelphia

Writer's picture: Temple PRSSATemple PRSSA

I’ve always been the person who longed for summer vacation. I remember eagerly counting down the days to freedom in high school. Three whole months of staying up as late as you want, sleeping in until noon and not having a care in the world, but ever since going to college I tend to dread summer vacation. I’m from Harrisburg, which is a small town that doesn’t have much to do. Because of this, coming home for the summer isn’t the most exciting time for me. My days consist of hanging out with my family and going to work.

This year I’m interning at reservations for Hershey Entertainment and Resorts again, so basically I answer phone calls all day for ten excruciating hours. I also will be spending some days shadowing in the marketing and public relations departments, which I am really looking forward to experiencing. Interning at Hershey is great, but it should come as no surprise when I say I’m counting down the days to being back at Temple. I just get bored with monotony and routine easily, as you’ll come to see in time. Being at home always makes me appreciate the privilege of living in Philadelphia. You never appreciate how great it is to be able to take the subway downtown or to catch the bus up to New York for the weekend until you cannot. If you can’t tell by now I’m a big fan of living in big cities because there's always something to do and I like to stay busy.

While I do miss Philadelphia, I’m not completely miserable at home. Spending time with my family is always fun as they always keep me on my toes. My dad loves when I come home so he can challenge me to a battle of the wits, which I never lose. I get to see my nieces and nephews and hangout with my friends from high school. In July, I’ll be visiting some friends in New York for a week. It’ll be a much needed vacation from work and the perfect chance for me to check out some museum exhibits and obviously go shopping.

I’ll be getting an apartment this year so I’ll be moving back to Temple a little earlier in August, but I’ll continue to work at Hershey until classes start. I'm thrilled for the upcoming school year and immensely grateful to be the Director of Public Relations. I’ve got some great ideas for the public relations committee this year and I can’t wait to get to meet all new members and welcome back to everyone returning!

This blog post was written by Thatcher Williams, Director of Public Relations

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