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Membership Spotlight: Maria Clara Ribeiro

Updated: Nov 2, 2018

The second membership spotlight of the year is Maria Clara Ribeiro, a freshman majoring in public relations. This is Maria’s first semester as a member of PRSSA and she is already a committed member of our chapter. She can often be found attending outside events and bonding with the executive board!

Here is a Q&A session with Maria:

Q: Where are you from?

A: I’m originally Brazilian, but I grew up half in the Dominican Republic and Florida.

Q: Why do you love PRSSA? What do you hope to get out of it?

A: I love that PRSSA has given me so many opportunities as a freshman. It has allowed me to meet so many inspiring people that I’m excited to learn from! Most importantly, PRSSA has shown me that my passions really do lie in Public Relations, which is a confidence I feel privileged to have as a freshman. I hope to develop a strong network, acquire new skills, and most importantly develop myself as a strong professional.

Q: What have you done with the Digital committee?

A: The coolest opportunity I’ve gotten to do within the Digital committee is getting to write about something I’m very passionate about for our blog: diversity! The digital team has given me a platform to learn as a writer and as a creative individual.

Q: What PRSSA events have you participated in?

A: The PRSSA event that stands out to me the most that I got to participate in has been the Braithwaite Agency tour. It didn’t only give me insight into a field I dream about, but also connected me with really awesome people who have given me great advice.

Q: What other TU organizations are you a part of?

A: I’m currently an account associate at PRowl, President of my community council, and I serve as Director of Engagement at The Temple News.

Q: What is the coolest place you’ve ever visited?

A: My favorite city I’ve ever visited has been Madrid in Spain. I’m all about antique architecture and a buzzing city life, and Madrid is the perfect blend of both.

Q: Favorite social media platform and why?

A: My favorite social media platform is probably YouTube. I love that it gives a platform for people to be creative, talk about their passions, and connect with so many people. One of my goals is to definitely start one soon! It’s the perfect place to voice your opinions and share your life in an authentic way.

Q: Dream job?

A: I don’t really have a dream job in Public Relations. I had many growing up, but college has taught me to not limit myself to one dream. I just want to be able to connect with people, make the world as passionate as I am about whatever/whoever I’m representing, and be able to use my creativity to shine light on important organizations and campaigns.

To learn more about Maria follow her on social media!

Instagram: @heymariaclara

Twitter: @mariarelations

LinkedIN: Maria Clara Ribeiro

This blog post was written by Caitlin Gemmi, Digital Publications Editor & Maria Clara Ribeiro, General Body Member & Spotlight Recipient.

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