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Never Too Late to Get Involved

Writer's picture: Temple PRSSATemple PRSSA

By: Grace Hanlon, Director of Mentorship

Hey everyone! If you’re like me, then you probably feel that this semester is already flying by. Midterms are almost here, clubs are in full swing, and Halloween is just around the corner. Despite the speed that Fall 2017 is moving at, there is still so much time left in this semester (and year) to make the most of. One of the best ways to make the most of this time is to join a club.

If you have always wanted to join something, now is the time! The first and most clichéd advice you get when starting freshman year is to get involved. Personally, when I was a freshman that was really hard advice to take. Getting involved my first semester was truly out of my comfort zone, and it took a little while for me to adjust to college. I signed up for a couple clubs at the club fair, got a bunch of emails, showed up to a meeting or two and then stopped going. Then as time moved on, I realized I still had an interest in these clubs, but I conjured up this idea that it was too late to join.

As the year passed, I realized it truly does not matter when you start getting involved—as long as you do at some point. Since then, I ended up transferring schools and was ready for a do-over. I made a real effort to get involved and joined PRSSA, PRowl and a sorority. Through these organizations, I have gained great friends, honed valuable pre-professional skills and learned that I am capable of being busy while managing my time appropriately.

To all new PRSSA freshman, congrats to getting out there the first semester and joining an organization! For some people, it really can take courage to get out there—I was one of those people. And regardless of what class you are, if there is something you still want to join, try to stretch that comfort zone a little further. We only have (about) four years to be a part of these great clubs Temple has to offer, so you might as well make the most of it.

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