Writer’s block. It’s something we’ve all heard of and most likely have or will endure a few times throughout our careers. Those late, stressful nights where you sit down to write and it’s as if you’ve never written anything before in your life. After what seems like an eternity you think you are finally making progress on your paper, but realize it just looks like this:

All ideas are gone, nothing makes sense, and suddenly you barely remember how to type and wonder why you went into a field where writing is necessary. "Will this ever pass?" You might wonder to yourself and I’m here to tell you it will--I mean I’m writing this blog after sitting at my computer for hours on end thinking of a topic.
1. Walk away
Literally. Get up from your desk, chair, floor--wherever you might be trying to write and take a walk. Not only will you get some fresh air and your daily exercise in but you never know what or who you will walk by.
2. Change your environment
Similar to walking away from your writing space, changing up your environment can provide inspiration. If you’re writing in your room, go to the library, Tech or an empty classroom on campus. Or, if you’re like me, a trip to Rittenhouse Square is a go-to when I need inspiration. If none of those places work out, a coffee shop is always a safe bet to get you in the zone--I mean what’s better than a cup of coffee to get you out of a funk?

3. Talk to your friends
Talk to your friends, sister, brother, mom, dad, roommates--really anyone in your life. Talking to people and brainstorming ideas with them helps TREMENDOUSLY! Some of the best papers and blogs I’ve written came from brainstorming sessions with my friends. Hearing what other people are interested in reading is a great way to come up with a story!
4. Free write
You’re probably thinking--if I have writer’s block what am I going to free write about? The answer: anything and everything. Write down what you're thinking, what you’re feeling, what you did today--really anything that crosses your mind. Just getting your mind to think will eventually lead to a topic to write a story about.
This blog post was written by Allison Eckel, Director of Social Media.